Key Ingredients:-
- Manjishta
- Musta
- Kutaja
- Guduchi
- Kushta
- Nagara
- Bharngi
- Kshudra
- Vacha
- Nimba
- Haridra
- Daruharidra
- Triphala
- Patola
- Katuka
- Murva
- Vidanga
- Asana
- Chitraka
- Shatavari
- Trayamana
- Krishna
- Indrayava
- Vasa
- Bhringaraja
- Mahadaru
- Patha
- Khadira
- Chandana
- Trivrit
- Varuna
- Kiratatikta
- Bakuchi
- Kritamala
- Shakhotaka
- Mahanimba
- Karanja
- Ativisha
- Jala
- Indravaruni
- Ananta
- Sariva
- Parpata
These preparations are very effective in management of Vaat-vikarassosiated with Kaphadoshas. Kashay are antioxidant and also detoxify body and removes body toxins. MahamanjishthadiKadha has broad spectrum activities and indicated in skin diseases, rheumatoid arthritis (vaat-rakta), Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis resulting from a dysfunction of the cranial nerve), numbness, hemiplegia, eye diseases etc.