Ayurveda is the ancient form of traditional medicine from India and is one of the most trusted systems to promote healthy living. Ayurveda emphasizes on treating the cause of disease rather than just focusing on its symptoms. It also emphasizes on treating the body as a whole by understanding and balancing the three Doshas (energy humors) — Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – that constitute it. Ayurveda makes use of plants, herbs, and precious metals like gold to promote healthy state of body in the long run. Ayurvedic adjuvants are used in combination with essential oils extracted from plants because they are considered to be effective in improving blood circulation. They are known to prevent clogging of arteries so as to keep blood pressure down and promote heart health. Some Ayurvedic adjuvants can also be used as home remedies for infections like flu, bronchitis and colds. Ayurvedic adjuvants provide long-lasting energy when consumed regularly and hence should be included in daily diet to remain active all day long and meet daily nutritional requirement efficiently.

A new article published in Ayurveda & Holistic Health Magazine takes a closer look at the benefits of ayurvedic adjuvants, which are additives that can be added to foods to make them more nutritious, and why they should be incorporated into everyone’s diet. Ayurvedic adjuvants are substances that are added to foods or drinks that help enhance their health benefits—whether they are added as supplements or they are already in the foods you’re eating. Think of them as “ingredients” that act as catalysts for your body’s ability to heal. These are substances added to foods or water to promote specific health benefits. They’re usually made from herbs, spices, flavonoids, and other naturally occurring compounds. For example, in some ayurvedic medicine traditions, the herb ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is used as an adjuvant to treat diabetes and other chronic ailments.

Benefits of ayurveda:

-improves digestion

-reduces inflammation

-reduces stress levels

-increases circulation

-promotes weight loss by improving metabolism and burning excess fat reserves (through stress reduction)

-improves sex drive/libido in men and women (by increasing circulation)

-normalizes blood pressure levels to healthy limits.

Unani medicines are used for the treatment of diseases, but some act as enhancers or prophylactics to maintain health and treat ailments resulting from imbalances of elements in the body. This class of medicines has a great economic importance for it promotes harmony and purifies the body by exterminating the microorganisms that are responsible for fomenting various ailments.

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1. A necessary part of your morning routine

Your day is over before it’s even begun if you don’t take the time to set up a foundation for success. That’s where unani products come in. They’re scientifically-backed and proven to enhance your productivity, so you can hit the ground running and make the most of your day.

2. Help you stay focused

It’s hard to get anything done when your mind is wandering here and there, and unani products are proven to help you focus on what matters. Whether you’re working or playing, you’ll be able to concentrate better when you use our products, so you can get more things done in less time.

3. Improve your sleep quality

If you want to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world, then unani products are for you! Our scientifically-proven formulas will improve your sleep quality so that not only will you rest easier at night, but you’ll also have more energy in the morning and throughout the day, too!

Unani practitioners use herbs, minerals and other natural substances to treat ailments and maintain health. A number of modern pharmaceutical drugs are derived from botanicals discovered by unani physicians. Unani has influenced a
number of medical systems around the world, including Ayurveda.

Unani physicians have always believed that a person’s total health depends on three factors:
-Habitat (the environment in which a person lives)
-Regimen (the way in which a person lives in their environment)
-Constitution (a person’s individual physical characteristics).
Unani focuses on maintaining these three things rather than treating disease after it has already appeared.

Welcome to virogya.com , where you can find a wide array of Ayurvedic and Unaani products that can be used as daily supplements in average peoples daily life for maitaining a healthy lifestyle.

We at virogya.com believe that your health is the most important thing in your life, and we want to provide easy-to-use products that will help you live better. We offer vitamins, minerals, and herbal supplements that are all based on the ancient practice of Ayurvedic medicine. Our products are affordable, safe, and all-natural.

Our website offers detailed information about the products we offer so that you can learn about their benefits and decide which product or products are best for you. We also provide great tips on how to maximize your health and fitness through regular exercise, stress reduction techniques, healthy dieting, and lifestyle choices.

If you have any questions about our products or our website, please contact us!