
K-10 Tablets from Astavakra Ayurveda for skin care

380.00 260.00

380.00 260.00

K-10 Tablets from Astavakra Ayurveda for skin care

Helpful for all types of Skin Problem

Anti bacterial, Anti fungal & Anti inflammatory.

Dosage:- one tablet twice a day or as directed by physician.


K-10 Tablets from Astavakra Ayurveda for skin care

K-10 Tablets from Astavakra Ayurveda for skin care
k-10 tablets

Ingredients K-10 Tablets from Astavakra Ayurveda for skin care –

Each 500g tablet contains of :

  • Manistha-150mg
  • Vidanga-50mg
  • Giloy-30mg
  • Neem beej-70mg
  • Khadir-100mg
  • Arogyavardhini-50mg
  • Gandhak Rasayan-50mg

MANJISTHA – It is excellent for skin brightening and treating skin disorders.
KHADIR – antibacterial and antifungal properties due to which it inhibits the growth
of bacteria and fungi that cause skin problems.
NEEM BEEJ – It prevents pimples and skin blemishes.
GANDHAK RASAYN – It works by purifying the blood, clearing dirt, impurities, unclogging pores and averting the risk of secondary infections